After Action Report
The event went great!
23 troops present for duty, 1 vehicle(WC51), 1 bicycle..........
I would like to thank all those who were able to make it this year for all your efforts, which helped make this event great for all concerned, helped it run smoothly, educate the public and sell the items we had for sale....everyone chipped in and got it done.....
Chap. Buchholz & Chap. Kinard--Chaplian display & Church service, CWO Barber-Vehicle driver, SSgt. Mazzuchelli Supply display. SSgt Volk Commo display, loud speaker system, music and flag pole, T4 Baril outstanding as always Combat Photographer & darkroom disply, T5 Greenwood & Pfc Gowen weapons display, Cpl. Carbone, Cpl. Machado, Pfc. Moore,
Pfc. Adamsky, Pfc. Violante, Pfc. Regan, Pfc. Buchholz,
Pfc. C&N Chase, Pvt. Balcius, Pvt.Howland, Daine Kuebler, Karey Barber, R.Kinard , Me........
Weather was perfect---NO RAIN---sunny with a breeze, lots of people in camp especially-huge crowds on Fri, Sat. smaller crowd on Sun. Lots of picture taken of B Co troops and display set ups... had a bunch of old Vets stop in and compliment B Co on its display throughout the weekend.....trained 4-5 WC drivers and took part in the vehicle parades through Reading and at the airfield, a few of the troops took part in the french village battles...and also enjoyed both the French Village Cafe/Tavern at night and the dance Fri & Sat night..
They put us on the same site we have used every year we have attended this event-----Made contact with Signal unit behind us that sets up their kitchen and they said next year we can eat with them if we want to for 3 meals Fri, 3 on Sat., 2 on Sun. for $30 just need to give them a headcount before the event and provide KP's and a cook if we have one there... Had one small hiccup with a pilot who wanted to park his plane into our area--I got that fixed with a discussion I had with him, plane was moved out of our space---no problems after that...
Special thanks to those who were able to
1.arrive on Thurs to help set up our display area,
2.everyone was on site from Fri morn. till 3 pm Sun.
3.those who stayed till the show closed to the public Sun to help take down and pack up all the tents.. Way to work together to get it done...
Those who were able to attend this event did a great job and made B Co stand out as the " Best of the Best " as usual.. OUTSTANDING JOB ladies and Gentlemen of B Co. 104th Inf. 26YD.. Lets do it again next year only with a few more display's and troops...
Hopefully we will be invited back next yaer--mark your calenders --next year the show is on JUNE 1-2-3 2012, for those interested we have also reserved a block of 6 rooms at the hotel some of us stayed at this year the price is being worked out and will be posted as soon as we know.
Now lets get ready for the events we have left in 2011, beginning with the June 12 Bunker Hill parade,
June 25 ceremony, July 4 Norwood parade and the first large scale tactical of the year being held near Dunbarton, NH (instead of Windsor,VT.) July 15--16
Also, it's not to early to make plans, gear up, mark your calender to attend the Ike Farm display event at Gettysburg, Pa., Sept. 16--17
With great pride serving as1stSgt of B Co. 104th I, 26Yd
G Mazzarella
"When you initially attacked for seven days and nights without halting for rest, you met and defeated twice your own number. Your advance required the enemy to turn fresh divisions against you, and you in turn hacked them to pieces as you ruthlessly cut your way deep into the flank of the "bulge." Your feats of daring and endurance in the sub-freezing weather and snow-clad mountains and gorges of Luxembourg are legion; your contribution to the relief of Bastogne was immeasurable. It was particularly fitting that the elimination of the "bulge" should find the Yankee Division seizing and holding firmly on the same line held by our own forces prior to the breakthrough. I am proud of this feat by you as well as those you performed earlier. We shall advance on Berlin together."-------Feb. 1, 1945 Headquarters 26th Infantry Division, W. S. Paul, Major General, U.S. Army Commanding
The YD in PA
Reading WWII Weekend
Are you happy now