"When you initially attacked for seven days and nights without halting for rest, you met and defeated twice your own number. Your advance required the enemy to turn fresh divisions against you, and you in turn hacked them to pieces as you ruthlessly cut your way deep into the flank of the "bulge." Your feats of daring and endurance in the sub-freezing weather and snow-clad mountains and gorges of Luxembourg are legion; your contribution to the relief of Bastogne was immeasurable. It was particularly fitting that the elimination of the "bulge" should find the Yankee Division seizing and holding firmly on the same line held by our own forces prior to the breakthrough. I am proud of this feat by you as well as those you performed earlier. We shall advance on Berlin together."-------Feb. 1, 1945 Headquarters 26th Infantry Division, W. S. Paul, Major General, U.S. Army Commanding

Training Day for Company B,

104th Infantry Battalion

SUPER JOB-----OUTSTANDING DAY : Thanks to all --23 individuals--who showed up and took part in the super training that was put on. Those who missed it missed a really good one...hope to see you all at the next training event.

Instructors: Lt.Kersting, MSgt(Cpt) Devlin & TSgt. Kosewski, SSgt. Volk & Cpl. Carbone, Sgt. Ferraro ( newly appointed 3d Sqd.Ldr) Cpl. Machardo (newly appointed 1stSqdAst.Ldr) Special Thanks to SSgt. Brissette and Pfc. Pereira for providing GREAT meals which included SSgt. Brissette's signature specialty " Roast Loin of Pork and fixings" supper Sat and the French toast at breakfast for those who stayed overnight. When Ken cooks we eat like kings.......you can quote me on this... I would also like give special recognition to TSgt. Tom K for all his efforts to get the site at Sterling ready and hosting the training day.. next time your there ask for a tour of what I will after seeing it for the first time call " Sgt Tom's Museum " it is something you have to see, it is amazing.. His workshop is also amazing... Next in April up for B Co.--Lexington Parade the 18th and Ceremony at Fort Tabor, New Bedford,MA. the 23d. Again--Thanks to all who made this a SUPER--OUTSTANDING Training Day at Sterling GuyMaz Top

More Photo

For more photo of this event see the latest issue of the Kodachrome

All Photos on this web sight are property of Joe Baril and are free to download for personal use. The photos can be used on other sights just give me a buy line if you can. Thanks and enjoy

Capt. C.J.Boa S2