Keep up the great work!
American Defense Service Medal Ribbon
(For successful attendance of three plus (3+) Living History Displays in one reenacting year)
Dave Buchholz, Joe Mazzuchelli, John Haggerty, Ken Brissette, Bob Barber, Bob Bearisto, Guy Mazzarella, Joe Baril, Jon Handy,
Women's Army Corps Service Medal Ribbon
(For female member's active member service and participation in various events during a calendar year)
Diane Kuebler, Chris Teixeira, Kerry Barber, Martha Smith,
Suzt Kilgrew,
(For Unit member attendance of seven plus (7+) training events / awarded after two years of active Unit service)
Dave Buchholz, Joe Mazzuchelli, Ken Brissette, Bob Bearisto,
Guy Mazzarella, Jon Handy,
European-African-Middle Eastern (ETO) Campaign Medal Ribbon
(For Unit member participation of Ft. Indiantown GAP and / or Reading, PA event with the Unit or at least seven (7) ETO tactical events. Maximum of four (4) battle stars for each aforementioned GAP / Reading event attended.
Dave Buchholz / 4, Joe Mazuchelli / 3, John Haggerty / 1, Ken Brissette / 1, Diane Kuebler / 1, Dan Morrow / 2, Martha Smith / 4, Bob Barber / 1, Bob Bearisto / 4, Dave Moore / 2, Guy Mazzarella / 4, Joe Baril / 1, Jon Handy / 1, Bob Greenwood / 1, Chris Teixiera / 1
World War Two Victory Medal Ribbon
(For completion of three (3) years of active member service in the 26YDHRG)
Dave Buchholz, Joe Mazzuchelli, Ken Brissette, Bob Bearisto,
Guy Mazzarella, Bob Greenwood
Army of Occupation Medal Ribbon
(For successful completion of four plus (4+) years of active membership in the 26YDHRD)
Dave Buchholz, Ken Brissette, Bob Bearisto, Guy Mazzarella
Service Stripes
(One (1) stripe indicates completion of three (3) years of active service in the 26YDHRG)
Dave Buchholz / 1, Joe Mazzuchelli / 1, Ken Brissette / 1,
Bob Bearisto / 7, Guy Mazzarella / 2, Bob Greenwood / 1,
Overseas Bars
(One (1) bar indicates participation in seven (7) ETO tactical events with a maximum allowance of six (6) bars per re-enactor)
Dave Buchholz / 2, Ken Brissette / 1, Bob Bearisto / 6,
Guy Mazzarella / 2, Joe Baril / 1, Jon Handy / 1,
1st Lt. J. DiPersio
Executive Officer
Baker Company
104th IR
Platoon Leader
Rochester Display
On Sat August 21 members of Company B, 104th IR, 26th YD HRG participated in the Rochester fair day in Rochester Mass. The weather was warm during the day with low humidity.
The program was cut down to a one day event due to the Equine encephalitis scare that is gripping the area
10 Unit members participated in the Sat program talking to the folks who stopped by the Display tent/tarp to chat about the firearms, uniforms and life of a WW 2 soldier.
SSgt. Ken Brissette entertained the crow by riding his HD WLH motorcycle around the fair grounds to attract some additional attention our way
Other Military vehicles included approximately 10 Jeeps from a 42 MB up to a 70 151 Mutt With 96 miles on it.
The bigger iron included a White half track and a Dodge command car.
Other Re-enacting unit friends were in a attendance such as Don Robinson from the Quonset Point Museum,
which allowed us to say hello and renew old friend ships with folks we have not seen in a while.
A well deserved Bravo Zulu to those who made the long trip and lasted the day while insuring the mosquitoes
did not mount an attack on our encampment.
YD Unit members in attendance:
CWO Barber, SSgt. Ken Brissette, Pfc. Louis Carbone, Pvt. Anthony Adamsky, Pvt. John Violante, Pvt. Gil Macho, Pvt Dave Moore, Cpl John Harrdy, Dan Morrow, Frenchy
Respectfully submitted,
CWO Bob Barber
Now hear this!
During Labor Day weekend on September 3, 4 and 5 of 2010, elements of the 26th YD HRG took part in WWII special activities at Battleship Cove in Fall River, MA.
The weather cooperated just in time as Tropical Storm Earl grazed the New England coastline during Friday night in to the early morning hours Saturday. When the sun rose, the skies turned blue and a cool, strong wind dominated the remainder of the weekend.
Once again, Unit members set up a variety of educational displays in the Battleship Cove museum. Some members walked the surrounding area and ships welcoming, and interacting with the public. Unit impressions consisted of WWII US Army, Navy and Marines. Displays consisted of Army small arms, communications, combat photography, typical barracks personal items and clothing, red cross, navy clothing and personal items, and French small arms with personal items and clothing. Our fundraising table was up and operating once again. German and British displays were also in attendance.
One of the highlights of the weekend was when WWII Australian fighter / bomber pilot, Flt. LT. Alan Flemming provided the public and re-enactors with a wonderful account of some of his most memorable recollections of his thirty three missions flown over Germany, France and Belgium while with the RAF. Lt. Flemming was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his courage, skill and valor displayed during his time spent flying an Avro Lancaster, mostly at night. It was an honor to listen, learn and interact with one of the hero's from WWII.
Following a great meal Saturday night, there was a surprise deployment celebration for TSgt. Paul Campbell who’ll be leaving for Kuwait and beyond with his National Guard unit in a couple of weeks. God’s speed Paul. Stay safe. Thank you for your service to our country!
The movie for the evening was, “They Were Expendable”, starring John Wayne and Donna Reed. The movie was well attended and enjoyed by all. A special treat for all was that the movie was shown on the main deck of “Big Mamie”. After the movie, lights out and all hands reported to their birthing areas on the ship.
Sunday morning started with another great meal followed by the flag raising and religious services. Once again the static and walking displays provided the public with a great opportunity to be educated on the various roles, duties and customs that the WWII soldier, sailor, and marine performed.
It was another positive, enjoyable, and educating weekend that the 26YD HRG participated in at Battleship Cove, Fall River, MA. We look forward to seeing all who attended this year, as well as those who could not make it, to next year’s BSC event.
A big thank you goes out to the BSC staff, specifically the executive director of BSC, Brian King, for allowing the 26 YD HRG the privilege to participate in this unique WWII weekend.
Special thanks to the event coordinator for all re-enactors, Russ Kirby. Thanks for your hard work in putting together a great event!
Thank you to all Unit members for your attendance and participation!
Captain Devlin, Lt. DiPersio, Lt. Kersting, CWO Barber, Sgt. Mjr. Beairsto, 1st Sgt. Mazzarella, TSgt. Campbell, TSgt. Haggerty, SSgt. Volk, SSgt. Mazzuchelli, Sgt. Powers, T-4 Kersting, Cpl. Floyd, Cpl. Toucey, Cpl. Handy, Pfc. Baril, Pfc. Ferraro, Pfc. Carbone, Pvt. Pereira, Pvt. Machado, Pvt. Violante, Pvt. Adamsky, Pvt. Murphy, Pvt. Aschman, Pvt. Regan, Pvt. Fiske, Frenchy DuFault, WAC Kuebler, Nurse Teixiera, WAC Barber,
Respectfully Submitted,
1st Lt. J. DiPersio
Executive Officer
Baker Company, 104th IR, 26YD HRG
Platoon Leader, Headquarters
A big send off for TSgt Campbell
Our best wishes go off to TSgt Paul Campbell (104th Inf. Reg. 26th Yd Reenactment group). Paul will be soon be activated with the New Hampshire National Guard and be sent overseas.