"When you initially attacked for seven days and nights without halting for rest, you met and defeated twice your own number. Your advance required the enemy to turn fresh divisions against you, and you in turn hacked them to pieces as you ruthlessly cut your way deep into the flank of the "bulge." Your feats of daring and endurance in the sub-freezing weather and snow-clad mountains and gorges of Luxembourg are legion; your contribution to the relief of Bastogne was immeasurable. It was particularly fitting that the elimination of the "bulge" should find the Yankee Division seizing and holding firmly on the same line held by our own forces prior to the breakthrough. I am proud of this feat by you as well as those you performed earlier. We shall advance on Berlin together."-------Feb. 1, 1945 Headquarters 26th Infantry Division, W. S. Paul, Major General, U.S. Army Commanding

JV Day

Training for the 104th Infantry Reg. at Camp Pelham

On August 14, 15 elements of Company B, 104th IR, 26th YD HRG participated in the annual summer Training day and Garand match at the Pelham Fish and Game Club in New Hampshire. The weather was delightfully warm during the day with low humidity and the evening was cool for sleeping. The motto, "If it's raining, we're training" was not needed this weekend since no rain clouds were present.

Twenty seven Unit members participated in the weekend events which included various training classes in communications, battlefield tactics, proper sighting and firing positions with the M1 Garand, becoming a living historian, display of equipment and shelter pitching, drill for foot troops, awards ceremony, movies (feature film was the classic "Sergeant York" with Gary Cooper), E-board meeting and the Garand match on Sunday.

The chow was great as well! Thanks T-5 Greenwood for preparing nourishing and tasty meals. Without good food to fill the stomach, the soldier has little if no moral!

Thanks to all the instructors! Capt. Devlin, Lt. DiPersio, 1st Sgt. Mazzarella, SSgt. Volk, TSgt. Kosewski, SSgt.Floyd, SSgt. Mazzuchelli, and T-5 Greenwood. Without your efforts, there would be no training. Special thanks to SSgt. Volk for his coordination of the training day.

Special thanks for T-5 Greenwood for his coordination of Sunday's Garand match. The YD had six shooters and two spotters / advisers to help with the troops who took part in the match. Participants in the match were: Pvt. Machado, Pvt. Regan, Cpl. Floyd, Pvt. Violante, Pvt. Adamsky and Pvt. Rechia. Spotters were SSgt. Floyd and Lt. DiPersio. Scores will be e-mailed and posted on the Baker Company Bulletin in about one week. There was some good shooting from the YD members!
Thank you to all the participants! Your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn was very apparent to the senior cadre.

Unit members in attendance:
Capt. Devlin, Lt. DiPersio, Lt. Kersting, CWO Barber, Sgt. Mjr. Beairsto, 1st Sgt. Mazzarella, TSgt. Kosewski, SSgt. Volk, SSgt. Floyd, SSgt. Mazzuchelli, SSgt. Brissette, T-4 Kersting, Cpl Floyd, T-5 Greenwood, Pfc. Baril ( Thanks for all the pics!), Pfc. Carbone, Pvt. Pereira, Pvt. Adamsky, Pvt. Violante, Pvt. Aschman, Pvt. Regan, Pvt. Machado (Welcome to one of our newest members), Pvt. Rechia, Navy Wave Kuebler, Navy Wave Teixeira, Navy Wave Barber

1st Lt. J. DiPersio XO 104th IR

Baker Company Awards Ceremony
Presented to the personnel of Baker Company Headquarters who's commitment and efforts have helped make "The Unit" the best Historical Reenactment group in the country. Your support at all of our events is very much appreciated and needed.
Keep up the great work!
The following HQ personnel achieved the awards listed below:

American Defense Service Medal Ribbon
(For successful attendance of three plus (3+) Living History Displays in one reenacting year)
Dave Buchholz, Joe Mazzuchelli, John Haggerty, Ken Brissette, Bob Barber, Bob Bearisto, Guy Mazzarella, Joe Baril, Jon Handy,

Women's Army Corps Service Medal Ribbon
(For female member's active member service and participation in various events during a calendar year)
Diane Kuebler, Chris Teixeira, Kerry Barber, Martha Smith, Suzt Kilgrew,

American Campaign Medal
(For Unit member attendance of seven plus (7+) training events / awarded after two years of active Unit service)
Dave Buchholz, Joe Mazzuchelli, Ken Brissette, Bob Bearisto, Guy Mazzarella, Jon Handy

European-African-Middle Eastern (ETO) Campaign Medal Ribbon
(For Unit member participation of Ft. Indiantown GAP and / or Reading, PA event with the Unit or at least seven (7) ETO tactical events. Maximum of four (4) battle stars for each aforementioned GAP / Reading event attended.

Dave Buchholz/4, Joe Mazuchelli/3, John Haggerty/1, Ken Brissette/1, Diane Kuebler/1, Dan Morrow/2, Martha Smith/4, Bob Barber/1, Bob Bearisto/4, Dave Moore 2, Guy Mazzarella/4, Joe Bari /1, Jon Handy/1, Bob Greenwood/1, Chris Teixiera/1

World War Two Victory Medal Ribbon
(For completion of three (3) years of active member service in the 26YDHRG)
Dave Buchholz, Joe Mazzuchelli, Ken Brissette, Bob Bearisto, Guy Mazzarella, Bob Greenwood

Army of Ocupation Medal Ribbon
(For successful completion of four plus (4+) years of active membership in the 26YDHRD)
Dave Buchholz, Ken Brissette, Bob Bearisto, Guy Mazzarella

Service Stripes
(One (1) stripe indicates completion of three (3) years of active service in the 26YDHRG)
Dave Buchholz/1, Joe Mazzuchelli/1, Ken Brissette/1, Bob Bearisto/7, Guy Mazzarella/2, Bob Greenwood/1

Overseas Bars
(One (1) bar indicates participation in seven (7) ETO tactical events with a maximum allowance of six (6) bars per re-enactor)
Dave Buchholz/2, Ken Brissette/1, Bob Bearisto/6, Guy Mazzarella/2, Joe Baril/1, Jon Handy/1

1st Lt. J. DiPersio
Executive Officer
Baker Company
104th IR

Holy crap, It didn't rain at Windsor this year.

Solders of Baker Company

The Real YD

Classified Section
For Sale: New unused repro GI folding tables with plywood tops and square legs painted, 2 to pick from $80. Contact Pfc Joe Baril cjboa@comcast.net
Anybody interested in submitting anything to be published in the grapevine contact Pfc Joe Baril cjboa@comcast.net